Hans Plugge is a Senior Toxicologist/ Manager of Safer Chemical Analytics within the Data Sciences group at Verisk 3E, a multinational environmental health analytics company. He holds a BSc in Chemistry and Master’s degrees in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. He has over 30 years consulting experience for commercial and governmental clients. While at Verisk 3E he has managed/written a review of reproductive toxins for the EU, which encompasses 1000 plus pages as provided to the EC Directorate-General Employment. Mr. Plugge also developed an innovative hazard and risk assessment methodology called 3E Green Score. It provides quantitative scores for 24 properties and even applies to mixtures. Additional activities for 3E Green Score include development of an Industrial Hygiene module, integration with LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and Sustainability Index. 3E Green Score’s raw data is primarily based on 3E’s PCTEC (Physical Chemical, Toxicology and Environmental Toxicology) database, development of which Mr. Plugge managed.
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