Dr. David Steenblock, D.O. is the interdisciplinary medical genius taking roads untraveled to find ultimate healing for his patients with a focus on stem cell therapies. “I enjoy studying,” he says from his private library with an amassed collection of over 60,000 medical books and millions of research papers, “I’m always looking forward – What is the greatest thing that we can do which hasn’t yet been done?”Dr. Steenblock often does just that. Whether he is credited or not with his long line of incredible breakthroughs in the medical realm, he has devoted his career to the diseases which most ail and traumatize the human condition. Known often as the ‘Stroke Doctor’ he is credited with implementing adult (non-embryonic) stem-cells to significantly repair blood flow to the brain, gifting patients with a revitalization of balance, faculties and normal sense-of-self. Stem cells, the earliest type of cell in a cell lineage, have the ability to promote growth and healing throughout the entire human body, in turn giving Dr. Steenblock the ability to heal and regenerate the body from the inside out in an unlimited number of procedures. He has used stem cells to significantly heal patients suffering from ALS, Alzheimer’s and Dementia, Chronic Pain, Strokes and Traumatic Brain Injury, Heart Disease and Cerebral Palsy, including the discovery of brain barrier breach and cervical spine damage in patients with ALS.
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